Legal Notice
The website is edited by CORESTA, an association founded in 1956, ruled by French law, promoting international cooperation in scientific research relative to tobacco and its derived products, located 11 rue du Quatre Septembre, 75002 PARIS (France), represented by its Secretary General, Dr Stéphane COLARD.
The website is developed, hosted and maintained by Mamasam, SARL with assets of 11,433€, located 48, avenue de la République, 94300 VINCENNES (France), registered at RCS CRÉTEIL on the number B 428 815 708, represented by its Managing Director, Mr Bertrand MANSION.
Intellectual Property Rights
The website is protected under French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property rights.
The website is strictly for the purposes of providing information on specific meetings and for the purpose of registering to these meetings.
Any use of the website for collective purposes beyond the aforementioned uses, requires the express written permission of the website editor.
Individual data
For the purposes of registration and the issue of invoices, and access to the Participant's account, we collect and keep the following information. Elements marked with a + are required for this purpose. Other information is optional.
Last name+and first name+
Contact details: address+, mobile+, email+
Password+ (defined by user, not known by CORESTA)
We are committed to store your personal data safely and never share it with third parties for marketing purposes. However, we may need to share part of your data with other members and partners when necessary for the purposes of our activity, the organisation of events, administrative and legal requirements, and security reasons.
To have access to, update or delete any of this information, please contact the CORESTA Secretariat at the email address
All rights reserved.
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